Acrylic on canvas
52cm x 67.5cm
Artist: Diana Ellinger (AUS/KE)
Diana Ellinger is an Australian artist living and working in Nairobi, Kenya. Ellinger makes Frankenstein paintings. Her process-driven work is a patchwork of methodologies and modes of thinking that weave together pockets of repurposed abstract expressionism with her own constructed painterly systems. Anti-compositional strategies – use of ready-made marks, arbitrary colour combinations and erasure, combined with the subconscious working of gestural art – make Ellinger’s paintings necessarily complicated monsters. Ellinger’s art is not joyful. But it celebrates the discarded, impure and abject. And in those things it finds beauty. Her working cycle is a closed-loop that flicks up dirt and settles it back down into a friable substance, extending a life, stitching it all together.